Case Classes
PureConfig has to assume some conventions and behaviors when deriving
instances for case classes:
- How do keys in config objects map to field names of the case class?
- Are unknown keys allowed in the config object?
- Should default values in case class fields be applied when its respective config key is missing?
By default, PureConfig:
- expects config keys to be written in kebab case (such as
) and the associated field names are written in camel case (such asmyField
); - allows unknown keys;
- uses the default values when a key is missing.
All of these assumptions can be overridden by putting an implicit
in scope - an object that “hints” PureConfig on how to best derive
converters for products.
Field mappings
In case the naming convention you use in your configuration files differs from
the default one, PureConfig allows you to define the mappings to use. A mapping
between different naming conventions is done using a ConfigFieldMapping
object, with which one can construct a ProductHint
. The ConfigFieldMapping
trait has a single apply
method that maps field names in Scala objects to
field names in the source configuration file.
For instance, here’s a contrived
example where the configuration file has all keys in upper case and we’re
loading it into a type whose fields are all in lower case. First, define a ProductHint
instance in implicit scope:
import pureconfig._
import pureconfig.generic.ProductHint
case class SampleConf(foo: Int, bar: String)
implicit val productHint = ProductHint[SampleConf](new ConfigFieldMapping {
def apply(fieldName: String) = fieldName.toUpperCase
Then load a config:
ConfigSource.string("{ FOO: 2, BAR: two }").load[SampleConf]
// res0: ConfigReader.Result[SampleConf] = Right(SampleConf(2, "two"))
PureConfig provides a way to create a ConfigFieldMapping
by defining the
naming conventions of the fields in the Scala object and in the configuration
file. Some of the most used naming conventions are supported directly in the
: (examples:kebab-case
: (examples:PascalCase
You can use the apply
method of ConfigFieldMapping
that accepts the two
naming conventions (for the fields in the Scala object and for the fields in the
configuration file, respectively). A common use case is to have both your field
names and your configuration files in camelCase
. In order to support it, you
can make sure the following implicit is in scope before loading or writing
configuration files:
implicit def hint[A] = ProductHint[A](ConfigFieldMapping(CamelCase, CamelCase))
Default field values
If a case class has a default argument and the underlying configuration is missing a value for that field, then by default PureConfig will happily create an instance of the class, loading the other values from the configuration.
For example, with this setup:
import pureconfig._
import pureconfig.generic.ProductHint
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps
case class Holiday(where: String = "last resort", howLong: Duration = 7 days)
We can load configurations using default values:
// Defaulting `where`
ConfigSource.string("{ how-long: 21 days }").load[Holiday]
// res2: ConfigReader.Result[Holiday] = Right(Holiday("last resort", 21 days))
// Defaulting `howLong`
ConfigSource.string("{ where: Zürich }").load[Holiday]
// res3: ConfigReader.Result[Holiday] = Right(Holiday("Zürich", 7 days))
// Defaulting both arguments
// res4: ConfigReader.Result[Holiday] = Right(Holiday("last resort", 7 days))
// Specifying both arguments
ConfigSource.string("{ where: Texas, how-long: 3 hours }").load[Holiday]
// res5: ConfigReader.Result[Holiday] = Right(Holiday("Texas", 3 hours))
A ProductHint
can make the conversion fail if a key is missing from the
config regardless of whether a default value exists or not:
implicit val hint = ProductHint[Holiday](useDefaultArgs = false)
ConfigSource.string("{ how-long: 21 days }").load[Holiday]
// res6: ConfigReader.Result[Holiday] = Left(
// ConfigReaderFailures(
// ConvertFailure(KeyNotFound("where", Set()), Some(ConfigOrigin(String)), ""),
// WrappedArray()
// )
// )
Unknown keys
By default, PureConfig ignores keys in the config that do not map to any case class field, leading to potential bugs due to misspellings:
ConfigSource.string("{ wher: Texas, how-long: 21 days }").load[Holiday]
// res8: ConfigReader.Result[Holiday] = Right(Holiday("last resort", 21 days))
With a ProductHint
, one can tell the converter to fail if an unknown key is
implicit val hint = ProductHint[Holiday](allowUnknownKeys = false)
// hint: ProductHint[Holiday] = ProductHintImpl(<function1>, true, false)
ConfigSource.string("{ wher: Texas, how-long: 21 days }").load[Holiday]
// res9: ConfigReader.Result[Holiday] = Left(
// ConfigReaderFailures(
// ConvertFailure(UnknownKey("wher"), Some(ConfigOrigin(String)), "wher"),
// List()
// )
// )
Missing keys
The default behavior of ConfigReader
s that are derived in PureConfig is to return a KeyNotFound
failure when a
required key is missing unless its type is an Option
, in which case it is read as a None
Consider this configuration:
import pureconfig._
case class Foo(a: Int)
case class FooOpt(a: Option[Int])
Loading a Foo
results in a Left
because of missing keys, but loading a FooOpt
produces a Right
// res11: ConfigReader.Result[Foo] = Left(
// ConfigReaderFailures(
// ConvertFailure(
// KeyNotFound("a", Set()),
// Some(ConfigOrigin(empty config)),
// ""
// ),
// WrappedArray()
// )
// )
// res12: ConfigReader.Result[FooOpt] = Right(FooOpt(None))
However, if you want to allow your custom ConfigReader
s to handle missing keys, you can extend the ReadsMissingKeys
trait. For ConfigReader
s extending ReadsMissingKeys
, a missing key will issue a call to the from
method of the
available ConfigReader
for that type with a cursor to an undefined value.
Under this setup:
implicit val maybeIntReader = new ConfigReader[Int] with ReadsMissingKeys {
override def from(cur: ConfigCursor) =
if (cur.isUndefined) Right(42) else ConfigReader[Int].from(cur)
You can load an empty configuration and get a Right
// res13: ConfigReader.Result[Foo] = Right(Foo(42))